Therapies & Treatments



Rob offers remedial massage, that stands out from regular massage. With a much-targeted approach to helping with a variety of complaints and offering relief. Rob does this with his special approach and experience with a range of modalities such as Hawaiian massage, Emmett technique, fascial cupping, PNF and MET stretching and more to enhance the results of the session.

Heartworks Lomi Lomi

This ancient style of flowing relaxation massage takes you on a journey deep within. This style allows you the time to breath, go deep and release some of the aches and pains while also working the energic pathways of the body. What really sets this massage apart is the gentle flow of the full handed touch that offers a decrease in muscle tension on the physical level with very little pain, making it perfect if you want to zone out during your treatment. Afterwards, you may feel as though your mind has slowed and the most mentally relaxed you have felt in years.

Ka Huna

This style of massage is like a full body massage all at once. It is like the bridge between relaxation and remedial. By using the forearms for most of the treatment, we can give more pressure and squeeze, while still maintaining a relaxing flow. This massage flows over and under the client to use their own bodyweight to help massage while also working on various energy systems of the body to give a holistic balance.

The benefits you can experience from massage are;

  • A reduction in muscles stiffness
  • Relief of muscle spasms
  • Greater range of movement
  • Relief of stress and tension
  • Aiding faster healing of an injury
  • Reducing pain and inflammation
  • Improving posture
  • Improving immunity
  • Enhancing the body and mind connection.

Half hour $50
1 hour $90
90 minutes $120
2 hours $150

Remedial massage can be claimed on many health funds.


Rob uses NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) to assist you in overcoming what holds you back. Utilising language patterns that help shift your mind and allow you to have more freedom and choice in behaviours, thought patterns and even shifting physical pain.

This is the perfect therapy if you are struggling with losing weight, anxiety and/or depression, being stuck in a rut, or need some new thought patterns on a particular area of life.

It is like having a conversation, although you never need to go into all the detail that you would in a regular therapy session to get amazing results.

Half hour $50
1 hour $90

CTC – Combined Therapy Cocktail™

If you’re serious about creating change quickly and living the best version of yourself then the Life Transforming CTC – Combined Therapy Cocktail™ (otherwise known as Cut The Crap) is just what you need to kick start that genetic engineering (rewiring of the brain). Not only is this therapy about freeing you of all that holds you back from being the best you can be, but it brings your energy, your spirit, your power back here into present time.

More importantly root causes are targeted. Together we discover, heal and release that very moment in time where because of your reaction to an experience a disruption in your energy field took place that in turn caused you to download a particular program that has continued to play out as patterns that really don’t serve you.

Imagine being free of all of those limiting beliefs, the negative, emotions, the fears, the phobias all of those emotional issues that have held you back from being the best you can be. Imagine being happy, healthy and free.

In order to have a lasting and true transformation the mind, body and Spirit all need to be treated in one session. This is exactly what the CTC – Combine Therapy Cocktail™ does. Various modalities including but not limited to Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique are combined in the perfect order to allow healing on all levels. Everything I do is pulled in to create a session that is perfect for you at this time.

The session leaves you feeling free of old emotional issues, lighter, empowered, more motivated, more certain of your direction and better able to deal with all situations. You will notice the results immediately. So make a list of all the negative issues and emotions that concern you and get ready for the first day of the rest of your magnificent and empowered life. All messages and guidance will be passed on to you.

This therapy is performed by Rob in person or on Skype

The investment in yourself is $495.00


Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive, form of energy work that works on balancing and shifting energy in the body to allow more harmony and create more peace in all areas of life.

Rob uses Usui Reiki to understand where there are blocks in a person’s energy and to gently relieve the symptoms, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Reiki can have a profound effect on the individual, even if it seems like a very subtle technique.

Half hour $50
1 hour $90

MORA (Bioresonace) Therapy

MORA therapy is a gentle non-invasive form of therapy that assists your body into optimal wellbeing and balance. Using vibrational technology, we can; identify imbalances, analyse patterns of the body and harmonise them using specific frequencies.

Bioresonace is able to look at things at the root cause and assist with a variety of problems and help with detoxing your body. For more information if this service would help you, please call Rob or Jean.

New clients – $200 (includes drops)
Returning – $100 (drops extra)

Emotional Trigger Release Massage

The emotional trigger release massage is a great way to release trauma from the body when you have tried other therapies, but just cannot seem to let go of the last bit. Moving though the body, we can detect points that refer to specific areas related to what you are holding onto. Rob uses a combination of the right pressure as well as linguistic techniques to help you release the issues in your tissues.

Session price $170

Consultant Dr Julie Henry

Julie offers a holistic treatment approach focusing on the symptoms as well as the root cause. Her interests include pain management, stress relief and chronic health complaints utilising a blend of her skills to tailor her treatment approach to the individual.
Her treatments include Acupuncture, other Chinese medicine modalities (tuina, cupping, guasha, moxibustion, Chinese herbal medicine, dietetics, and exercise therapy) and talk therapies (counselling, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy).
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
  • Initial Consultation (90 minute) – $150
  • Follow up Consultation (75 minutes) – $120
Acupuncture Only
  • Initial Consultation (75 minute) – $125
  • Follow up (60 minutes) – $100
Counselling, Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Initial and follow up consultation (60 minutes) – $150